
my name is mallory. welcome to my dinky little blog. enjoy my recipes, food experiments, informal critiques, and probably some snippets about my day to day life. whether youre my friend, family, or just a passerby, i hope you enjoy my written cooking show

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Here's to a Good Start

ok, so im fairly new to the blogging  world. i have friends with blogs and just recently became an avid blog reader. so youll have to cut me some slack when it comes to this. anyways, as a small introduction, even though i can only assume that at this point youre either a friend of mine or my mother, my name is mallory. i am a housewife and a dedicated amateur chef. my husband is in the navy and is a very good sport when it comes to my experimental cooking adventures. most turn out pretty good anyways. and even so, my husband will still grit his teeth and tell me that my burnt banana bread is the best thing hes eaten all week. 
i started this blog because i one day want to get into a groove and start my own little at home bakery. and when that day comes, i will keep posting pictures of my culinary creations and such. i would also absolutely love to start giving cooking classes to new wives, single ladies and bachelors, or simply people who want to learn how to cook. however, that takes money. and theres not too much of that coming my way.
so, to make myself feel better, and to get a headstart, i am going to post tasty how to entrys and pictures of food that ive created and most likely let you know how they end up tasting.